10x your research & writing workflow with Omniscience

The creative AI that writes books & papers.

Omniscience retrieves and generates writing using context from your uploaded documents, books, websites, PDFs, and more—

Creating a cover-to-cover MASTERPIECE.


ChatGPT can't access your documents.

Existing AI writers on the market have two major problems.

1) They write extremely generic content
2) They don't have access to your knowledge.

Omniscience solves these problems. Since Omniscience generates text using context from your uploads, its writing is nuanced, domain-specific, and augmented with knowledge from you or your team's datasets.


Omni reinvents search.

The Omni extension proactively surfaces exactly what you need, when you need it. All you have to do is type or select text in your browser. Omni instantly retrieves the most relevant lines from all your documents, books, favorite websites, Zoom transcriptions, Notion docs, and more—displaying them directly inside your work environment, in real-time. No new tabs, no distractions.


Compound your team's knowledge.

Pull insights from your team's work, instantly. Your teammates' knowledge instantly becomes your knowledge. Omni resurfaces relevant content from meeting transcriptions, user feedback, design documents, and every other kind of important communication at work.


Eliminate redundant work across teams.

US employees spend almost 6 hours a week doing duplicate work. When you or your teammates are repeating work that has been done before, Omni proactively shows you past work that you should be building on. You and your team will never waste time reinventing the wheel again.


Automate your citations.

Select any claim, and the relevant sources instantly pop up. With Omni, you can source your citations and conduct literature reviews in seconds instead of hours. Discover where your idea is discussed in your own writing, in research papers, or in the books of others.

Import from your favorite tools.

Omni is integrated with Google Drive, so you can import entire folders of documents. You can upload files from Word, Notion, Evernote, Roam, Obsidian, Logseq, and many other sources. Omni also accepts PDFs, EPUBs, Doc / Docx, Markdown, Text Files, HTML, and Org files.

Google Docs
Microsoft Word
Roam Research
Any Webpage

Experience the power of networked thought with Omni.